Jeremy McGarity
August 24, 2007

Fundraiser Jer

That's me fundraiser Jer. It's amazing how many meetings one can have where I am simply asking for funds to help our new church get started on the right foot. A lot of people are not comfortable asking for money. Let me tell you I am very comfortable. You know why? Because I am asking for money for the greatest cause on this earth. I am asking for people to make the best investment with their money they can possibly make. When I ask for money I'm asking that people will make an investment that will pay off long after they and their money are gone. shoot, when people say I'm thinking of investing this 30k in in the latest upstart biotech, or technology stock I think that's good, but it's not great. If people want an investment that will absolutely pay off in this life and the life to come I don't mind being fundraiser Jer. This weeks efforts put about 30,000 into the eternal investment fund of Seven San Diego. And we're still awaiting our answer from our divine appointment on Saturday night at High Desert Church (see the last blog).

Here's what I've learned. It's all God's money and people want to invest in great investments. I've found that many people are not "stingy" with their money they are smart. They want to make sure the money they've been given/and earned is going to be used wisely, for good purposes and not squandered on some fad idea, etc. When I share my passion for lost souls and how we want to see thousands of people come to know Jesus and grow in their next step of faith it can become contagious. I love sharing our story and seeing people's faces light up when I talk about populating heaven and de-populating hell.

We need more, I wish money weren't needed but the reality is mo' money, mo' ministry. God's not broke and his people want to give. I've got some meetings coming up that may produce more giving so pray for me. Pray that my words will be wise, my passion will be clear and God's favor will be on me as I share the vision with hundreds more people over the coming weeks and months.

Jesus said, "Don't store up your treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy, store your treasure in heaven where it will last forever" I believe when people give, treasure is being stored in heaven for them, they are sending it on ahead. We can't take it with us, but we can send it on ahead. When we give to God's church, to God's people and his causes we send it on ahead and we will see treasure beyond comprehension stored for us in heaven because we decided to make an eternal investment!

Ya, being Fundraiser Jer is just fine.
1 comment

1 thought on “Fundraiser Jer”

  1. Candice Lovett said:

    We want some more pics and stuff….c’mon get to postin’!!!

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