Jeremy McGarity
July 29, 2020


Let’s talk numbers. Let’s talk data. Let’s get down to the science of what is going on and draw some conclusions based on the facts. There is a lot going on with the County of San Diego and its restrictions on what people can and cannot do. We want you to know that we take this very seriously and we are constantly trying to balance the FEAR that is being spread by some of our National, State and Local officials and the verifiable FACTS about Covid.  

Currently,  the Covid mortality rate is at 0.02%, according to an Oxford study that is updated monthly.[i] Some say 0.01%. The point is that it is very low, to almost non-existent. That means you are about as likely to be killed by an errant baseball as you are Covid. And when it comes to dying from the virus, that 0.02% is only if you have significant underlying health issues, or as they are often referred to as, co-morbidities. This low death rate is even inflated as many health officials around the nation have been documenting motorcycle and car crash victims as Covid deaths.[ii] 

I want to share some statistics with you to help alleviate the fears some of you may be dealing with concerning the Covid virus. I cite every statistic I share in the endnotes so you can look up the websites and the journal articles to do your own research and come to your own conclusions. You may not agree with me, and if not, please cite your sources so I can look up the information you are basing your opinion on. 

I believe one of the things Shepherds are supposed to do, is protect the Sheep. Pastors are supposed to protect the flock God has entrusted to us. Not only are we to spiritually nurture, feed, and help grow our flock, we are supposed to fight for our flock when wolves and other predators try to attack. We are to fight off enemies we can see and enemies we cannot see.  

Sometimes, as is the case here, there is fear from something that is actually not there. It has been an enemy in the dark, something we cannot see. So, we have all scrambled not knowing where the next strike was going to come from. Yet, for 99.9% of people, the strike from this viral enemy has never and will never come. It is a straw man of an enemy to be sure. But, we have to fight the narratives out there to give people hope. We cannot sit back and just wait for the OK from the Governor as more and more lives are ruined. 1 Peter 5:2 reminds us, "Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you ..." 

Having said that, I’d like to give you some statistics to, hopefully, alleviate some fears that are constantly and consistently being spread.  Here are some statistics to give you some clarity on what is going on. Now, for my Kansas people, I’ll be specifically giving California stats from the CDC[iii] and then I’ll give some nationwide stats. Over 270,000 people die in California every year from various causes:            
·       65,000 die from heart disease 
·       60,000 die from cancer
·       16,000 from stroke
 ·       16,000 from Alzheimer’s
·       14,000 from respiratory illness—Covid is a respiratory virus, 14,000 people every year die from respiratory issues.

We don’t shut everything down because of that every year. Yet we have 8,700 Covid (supposed Covid deaths) in CA. I say supposed because a lot of fraud is now coming out that deaths are being labeled Covid. Hospitals are getting more money from Medicare when deaths at their hospital are labeled Covid. For example, if someone dies from straight forward pneumonia the payment to the hospital is $5,000. If they die of Covid-related pneumonia it’s $13,000, and if the Covid patient is on a ventilator and dies it goes up to $39,000.[iv] Continuing with the California causes of death: 
·       10,000 from diabetes 
·       5,000 from liver disease
 ·       14,000 from various accidents
·       3 Million from alcohol (USA) 
·       250,000 from cigarettes
·       5,000 from Suicide (and that number was from 2019 before Covid, we know it’s much higher this year as NATIONWIDE suicide ideation is up 600%).[v]

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, going to religious services helps lower the incidences of suicide, “Many Americans attend various community or religious activities. Weekly attendance at religious services has been associated with a 5-fold lower suicide rate compared with those who do not attendThe effects of closing churches and community centers may further contribute to social isolation and hence suicide.” [vi]

Why? Because you’ve got to have hope to cope. Every week we hand out hope at Skyline church and many other churches do the same. Yet, health officials want to keep churches closed or force them outdoors in 95-degree heat in the middle of summer (in East County San Diego). 

 The greatest killer in our state is by medical professionals who perform abortions. 364 abortions a day in California. That means 1 in 4 pregnancies are aborted. California has more abortions than anyone else and they are taxpayer funded.  Our Governor, Gavin Newsom, has decided that anyone who lives in a state where abortion is illegal or hard to come by, they can come to California and our taxpayers will pay for the abortion.  So, a woman can have a free abortion no matter where she is from or how she got here. We, as California Taxpayers will pay for the abortion.[vii] 

Meanwhile businesses are closing and many will not open again because they have been ruined by this lockdown, and there is no help in sight for them. People in our church are losing their life savings and their lifelong dream of having a thriving business, over a virus that kills less people than a thunderstorm. 

Yet the abortion clinics remain open, the liquor stores remain open, the strip clubs remain open, the casinos remain open. And, you may have noticed, those of you here in San Diego, that according to our public health officials who report ad nauseam on the “outbreaks” that not one outbreak has been reported from those places. That is fascinating.  As we learn more about this virus, apparently the Covid virus is very virtuous and will not go near those places. You are expected to believe that. There is a clear problem here, it is one of hypocrisy and duplicity.   

There is no moral high ground with the leaders in our state who portend to have the public health in mind as these lockdowns drag on into the fifth month or 139 days since March 13 when we all heard the phrase, “15 Days to Slow the Spread.” The initial issues that caused the lockdown have been rectified yet we are still locked down and locked out.  Let’s go through the short list:           
1. Ventilators. We were told we need enough ventilators. Ventilators, check.
2. Flatten the curve. Then we can resume our lives, albeit with some changes. Curve flattened,check.           
3. Surge capacity in our hospitals. We need to make sure when the virus spikes, we have surge capacity in our hospitals. Most hospitals have less people this year, year over year.[viii] Surge capacity, check.      
4. Therapies and Prophylactics. We need to make sure we can treat those who get the virus and prevent it in those who are the most vulnerable. Therapies and Prophylactics, check.           
5. Kids are vulnerable. We must keep our kids safe. Kids are not vulnerable to Covid. As a matter of fact, the flu is more dangerous for kids.[ix] 

I could keep going but you get the idea. The point is the goal posts are constantly being moved to agree with a false narrative about this virus. 

Abortion clinics, liquor stores, strip clubs and casinos are all deemed essential during this time. But the Church, and many businesses that help our community, are not. Folks, if you are not already, it’s time to wake up to what is going on. I believe the tide is turning and many, many people are waking up to what is actually going on. You are not in danger of a virus called Covid. However, you are in danger of losing your great country to a radical agenda that will stop at nothing to destroy our economy, our freedom, and our faith. 

Knowledge is power. We have the knowledge of this virus. We know how to manage it, treat it, prevent it and even cure it. Unfortunately, we grieve for those 0.02% who have lost their lives to this virus. As small of a number as that is, it still represents lives that are lost and families that have been affected. We are not heartless in understanding that.  

However, don’t believe the nonsense you are hearing from godless news outlets and social media “influencers.” Whenever anyone comes forward with scientific evidence that clearly shows the virus is not as lethal as first thought, or that as we have seen from Frontline Doctors[x], there is an actual cure, these videos, evidence and research studies are pulled down from the internet source by Google. Your Free Speech and your Freedom of Religion is being trampled on.  We need to get up, take our masks off, and speak upwhile being fed up. 

Our San Diego public health official, Dr. Wilma Wooten gave her thrice weekly update on Monday and said she was “saddened” by the outdoor service that a church had at a beach in North County and that she was intent on cracking down on churches and egregious violators. It looked like a big crowd from the video I saw, but it was certainly peaceful as people sang to the Lord and heard a message from a pastor.  

Now, as a matter of comparison, when places in the county she represents as the public health officer were burning down at the hands of thousands of protestors and rioters, who were not social distancing and were not wearing masks (save a person here and there) she remained silent on the issue of public health at protests. She never mentioned the rioters, never mentioned the protestors, and never mentioned levying fines or “cracking down” on the obvious “egregious” violations.  

The only words about the riots came from Supervisor Nathan Fletcher a few days after buildings and businesses burned in La Mesa and vandalism took place in many locations all over San Diego. Supervisor Fletcher was asked the question from a news reporter about the dual messaging or hypocrisy of allowing protests but not allowing gatherings at churches or other places. Fletcher’s response was illusory, he said, “We agree with the protestors right to gather, we just want them to do it safely …”

That same right he says he agrees with is the 1st amendment right to “peacefully gather.” Religious freedom is under that same 1st amendment right. Churches peacefully gather as a religious freedom right covered by the Constitution of the United States of America. Rioting is not to be agreed to at any time. It is not covered in the Constitution. Burning down buildings and wounding our Law Enforcement officers is not a “Peaceful Protest” and should never be agreed to by a County Supervisor or anyone else in charge.

Thousands of protestors burning down buildings and wounding our officers apparently is OK because Supervisor Fletcher agrees with their right to gather. But a church has a service on the beach and our public health officer is “saddened” by this activity and threatens reprisals. This, Dr. Wooten, is egregious. The hypocrisy has to stop and it only stops when people rise up and stop taking it.

I was told by one county official that Governor Newsom is holding potentially millions of dollars earmarked for San Diego hostage unless San Diego conforms to his mandates. He’s already withheld money from other counties that defied his orders. [xi] I understand our county leaders’ dilemma. That is much needed money for many community services that are severely underfunded at this point.

They have told me their hands are tied. I believe them. They are exasperated with the Governor. However, at some point our San Diego leaders have to say enough is enough and go against the Governor. I believe that time is NOW. If you look at the markers and triggers we must meet in order to begin to open up again, they are literally impossible to meet unless they are lowered significantly or removed entirely.[xii]

How do you beat a bully? You stand up to the bully. It is time to stand up to the bully. But, it will take everyone, grassroots, from start to finish letting your voices be heard. Be constantly and consistently inundating our representatives and health officials with a demand to open.

Our officials in San Diego have told many of us that there is nothing they can do because Newsom has so much power during this pandemic. That is not good enough. We have to march, we have to call, we have to utilize social media until it takes down the posts. And they will take down the posts if it doesn’t fit the false narrative. But the more we post the more likely some will last.

There are a few things going on that you can get involved in. Follow REOPEN.CALIFORNIA on Instagram and Facebook. There are several rallies and marches you can look into and consider being a part of. The larger these marches and rallies the more our voices will be heard. I don’t know a lot about the organization, so please do your research on who is running it and what exactly the messaging is, but at this point it looks like a solid organization that wants what’s best for Californians and our Nation.

I’m not an alarmist, but the alarm is ringing. I didn’t pull it, but I hear it, and it’s time to take action. The wolves have been ravaging the pen for too long. I personally cannot sit back and watch this happen. I am petitioning our representatives, I am on the phone, on zoom meetings with local and state officials and while there are many roadblocks at this point, there is an opening coming as more and more people rise up and stop putting up with these lockdowns.

Again, if the data showed this is a dangerous virus and I as a Shepherd was putting my flock in danger, that would be irresponsible and egregious. However, the facts are the facts and a 0.02% morbidity rate is not a reason to cause a 600% increase in suicide ideation and an 8,000% increase in suicide hotline calls.[xiii] 0.02% is not a reason to see an over 20% increase in domestic abuse worldwide[xiv] and 25% increase closer to home.[xv] Tens of thousands of drug and alcohol relapses and deaths and more and more lives are at stake the longer this lockdown continues. 

Let’s face the facts and beat the bully of fear.

Endnotes [i]
[vi] VanderWeele  TJ , Li  S , Tsai  AC , Kawachi  I .  Association between religious service attendance and lower suicide rates among US women.    JAMA Psychiatry. 2016;73(8):845-851. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.1243
[x] America’s Frontline Doctors transcript.


30 thoughts on “FACE THE FACTS”

  1. Thank you so much for taking a stand. I don’t live in California anymore. We are part of the ‘great exodus’ but I appreciate your words and facts presented. Our church, New City, in Charlotte is opening on the 9th of August.

  2. mbdifley said:

    Thank you, Pastor Jeremy for research on this IMPORTANT issue. It is my responsibility to trust in God and take the necessary precautions to protect myself. As a couple with preexisting conditions, we will do so. We do NOT need “Big Brother” telling us what to do and how to do it. Agree, it is time to open California. Have already written to the Governor and will do so again and also our local representatives.
    Please fellow Christians, let your voices be heard.

  3. linda1919 said:

    Thank you for clearly shining truth on this highly emotional and politicized topic.

  4. Darrin Wilson said:

    This, right here is why Skyline is my family’s new church.
    FINALLY, a church and a pastor standing up for our God given rights! Amen!
    “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

  5. Joshua Cramlett said:

    AaaaaaAAAAAmen!!! 🙏🙏🙏🌏🌏🌏

  6. A person said:

    • First of all you are anonymous—-if you want to comment – use your full name —-it helps keep the conversation going. Unfortunately you cannot believe the data on deaths — it’s false —and notice it says the teen had “other health issues” deaths are being labeled Covid… no matter the actual cause … see @justinhart for the latest including the 225
      People who were labeled Covid deaths through an “automation error” #wakeup it’s not about Covid it’s about control

  7. Susan Evans said:

    Absolutely outstanding!! SO happy to see one of Gods Shepherds awake and actively doing what he can to protect his flock!! He speaks the truth!!! God bless you, Sir!!

  8. John Hunter said:

    Hi Jeremy,

    I appreciate your analysis and saw you on KUSI today. Also appreciate your having verifiable references. One discrepancy was the 0.02% mortality rate from the CEBM (Oxford source). I didn’t see that on their site but if one divides the 150,000 US deaths by the 330,000,000 US population, one gets 0.045%.

    Your analysis re suicide was excellent although I had to look up what suidide ideation means (suicidal thoughts). When I checked the reference it was pretty impressive and confirmed what you said. I note there was a stronger correlation with Catholic church attendance than Protestant, however I’d guess it is also a church by church statistic and churches like Skyline have a strong sense of community and camaraderie.

    I confirmed your reference (the Orange County sheriff video) that domestic violence calls are up 25% during stay at home orders. Common sense but the numbers make it real. This is another reason to send folks back to work now and kids to school in the Fall. Obviously we need to use masks, social distancing and common sense when doing so.

    Anyway keep up the great work. I attend a church in Rancho Bernardo but will try to attend yours also when circumstances permit.

    John Hunter

  9. D Williams said:

    As you are the shepherd of a flock that loves the Lord please give them guidance that will not affect their health and protects them from this pandemic that still has so many unknowns. You have the power of social media to reach your flick and to hold services outside (wearing masks and social distancing). It may not be ideal but I’m sure you and other church leaders would not want to be the cause of anyone catching this virus due to you wanting to hold church service. Continue to be a good Shepard and lead your flock to Jesus and not by being anxious to reopen the doors of your building.

  10. Bruce Corless said:

    I get what you are saying about deaths from COVID-19 and agree that the death rate is very low and also that most deaths are of people with compromised immune systems or other issues. My concern in getting Covid-19 at all, given how supposedly contagious it is and the reported long term effects among some people who get it (diminished lung capacity, etc.). Do you have any statistics about this issue? Do those with long term health effects have underlying health issues? There have also been a few news stories about perfectly healthy people becoming very ill from Covid-19. Being 64 and an avid cyclist with no underlying health issues, I really don’t want to get a virus that will potentially mess me up long term (not worried about dying, I’ll just be with Jesus). What are the real stats on the long term health effects of Covid-19 for healthy individuals?

    • Great question. The data on long term effects is still unclear as it is such a new virus. However, early data has shown very similar lasting effects as when someone gets the flu. Depending on their health previous to flu or Covid contraction seems to determine potential lingering effects. If one has severe underlying health conditions Covid, as with the flu, can contribute to more health issues long term. Most people (data is still being collected but 99%+ so far), have no lingering effects. Many researchers see Covid as less problematic than many flu strains. Especially since it can be treated effectively— even cured— by HQ and Zinc.

    • Lonni ocampo said:

      It’s going to be Similar to severe respiratory distress Syndrome. And as little as pulmonary fibrosis. Link to journal for respiratory care on ards outcomes..
      So you can look up long term effect from ards. But I have discharged patients post covid with nothing more than a post bronchitis effect. But remember, symptoms or not, it various Per strength of individual, amount of pathogen/ strength and persons genetics. Just remember Microbiology says it’s always the strength of the pathogen vs the immunity of the host. There are viruses and opportunistic pathogens everywhere that can kill. I’ve seen many patients on ventilators from the flu or community acquired bacterial infection prior to covid. They were young (20’s-50’s) and in good health too. I don’t know why Daddy decided to take them home. Just FYI to Keep this in perspective. And Have faith. Lonni -Respiratory therapist -Sharp Memorial Hospital.

  11. Briana McDonald said:

    THANK YOU! I so appreciate that you & your church are taking a stand for our freedom, our rights & for the truth! We are right there with you and 100% agree with everything you are saying. Facts are facts and people need to wake up to the truth & fight!

  12. Michelle Winslow said:

    Praise God for your boldness and courage! We need more Pastor’s like you to rise up and take their stand as Jesus would. God has been watching and waiting for a long time for His Church to awake to Him. I believe He has been speaking very loudly for a long time and the time is now. Faith is now! There are so many Prophets, Pastors, and Teachers proclaiming and prophesying what God has in store for His church and people as well as the state of California. Check out Pastor Hank Kunneman’s powerful prophecy about California.
    Great Word for all us Californians who have been born in this state fighting the good fight of faith for the rights and freedoms to live here.

    God is good and wants the church ready for the Great Harvest that I believe is here. My husband and I are so glad we listened to your Sunday’s message today (8/2/2020). We have been looking for a church that is open and wants to be move forward to stay open as it should for His people to serve the Body of Christ. Amen!

  13. Vicki Abrahamsohn said:

    So awesome. Thank you for standing up to the Governor and for what you believe. I said to myself in May that 60,000 people a year die of influenza, and we don’t bat an eyelash. 100,000 people died in the U.S. in 1968 of Hong Kong flu. No businesses shut down then. We have gone way overboard.
    -Vicki in Pacifica

  14. Thank you Pastor Jeremy for your leadership and courage. I will add that I visited Portland this past week and they are burning Bibles and crosses and American flags. I believe we have had 12 churches in America burned. There is something far greater going on in my opinion. None of this makes any sense from a medical perspective.

    • Vicki Abrahamsohn said:

      Wow Jamee. Burning bibles. You are right. This has nothing to do with health.
      Lord, help us and guide us.

  15. As a fellow pastor and fellow SDCC alumni back in the CHC days, I kindly disagree with you. I think the way of Jesus calls us to protect the vulnerable and the marginalized. I love what Mark Foreman, lead pastor at North Coast Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad has been saying. “It’s not about my rights,” he said. “It’s not about my religious freedom. It’s about caring for the weaker brothers and sisters in the church.”

    • Vicki Abrahamsohn said:

      I see your point Gina. Thank you for that perspective.

    • We can do both. It’s not either/or it’s both/and. And the most vulnerable ones are the ones committing suicide and dying from abuse. That is why I put those numbers in there. You have to think of total public health. Not just 0.02% of the most vulnerable of our population. I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment and Mr. Foreman’s as you both have the most vulnerable pegged incorrectly.

      • Vicki Abrahamsohn said:

        True. Thank you. We get so swayed by what we hear in the media, its hard to keep our minds clear to think rationally.

  16. I am thankful for your leadership, Dr. McGarity, and for your voice within the denomination. My son attended Skyline before the Navy prohibited church attendance.

  17. Pam Shippam said:

    I appreciate your wisdom & knowledge & thank you for communicating with us, Pastor Jeremy.

  18. Lonni ocampo said:

    Yes!!!! Amen Pastor you are on point . Thank you for the researching . As a Respiratory therapist at Sharp Memorial I agree, I see the data , Im at the hospitals , I understand the media. (You are on point.) Thank you , my fam stands with you. Share truth and Open Cali NOW . Lonni

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