Jeremy McGarity
January 20, 2022

Statement Of Faith

Many of you shared your New Years' resolutions with me after I stated that “rooted” was our Word Of The Year at Skyline Church. I want to encourage you to make some spiritual goals this year as well. Or, statements of faith rather. Did you know goals are really statements of faith? What can you do this year to grow spiritually? Maybe for you, it means dedicating yourself to reading the whole Bible in a year (yes, the whole Bible, even Leviticus), joining a Bible study group, or becoming a member of your local church. For some, maybe it's starting smaller, like reading a Bible verse a day. Here’s another resolution for you—join us in our daily devotional, Today Matters! This year, we’re doing an expositional study through the Book of Psalms. 

Book Of Psalms

As we go through this incredible book in the Bible, verse by verse, you will see resolutions from all of the different authors. Resolutions of hating evil, doing good, loving the Lord more, worshiping and honoring God more, etc. Goal setting is a spiritual discipline and is seen throughout God's Word. Did you know God sets goals? He has goals for the universe, for the earth, and for YOUR life!
Let’s take a look at the first part of Psalm 1 together, also known as a wisdom psalm. Here the Psalmist lays down some foundational wisdom for happiness in life

1 Blessed is the one
     who does not walk in step with the wicked
 or stand in the way that sinners take
     or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
     and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
     which yields its fruit in season
 and whose leaf does not wither—
     whatever they do prospers.

Searching for Happiness

Blessed is translated, as "Happy." So many people are searching for happiness in life. And right here in the very first psalm, we learn where happiness comes from.  However, the joy mentioned here is not automatically given to everyone. Those who love God’s Word AND act on its commands, will be blessed. When we say “Happy” New Year, we need to consider that a "Happy" year won’t just happen. 
We must get those spiritual roots growing deeper and deeper in Christ. No matter what happens in 2022— more and more economic crisis may arise, spiritual drought, political agendas will surface, but I want everybody at Skyline Church to be rooted in the faith! We’re going to continue to thrive because we are rooted in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! And we can do that by meditating (thinking about and applying) the Word of God day and night (verse 2). And when we do that, no matter how dry our situation may seem, we're sure to be firmly planted near streams of water, bearing much fruit. 

Statement of Faith

It’s impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). When you set goals you're making statements of faith. So what is your statement of faith? What will you resolve to do this year to grow spiritually? You’ll never drift into spiritual maturity and happiness. I want to encourage you to sign up for Today Matters to be sent to your phone daily, or subscribe to the Skyline Church YouTube Channel and click the bell for notifications! Set yourself up for spiritual growth by putting steps in place that ensure you get in the habit of reading, listening, and applying God’s Word. In addition, we have a whole system designed to help you get rooted to grow and thrive in Christ. It's called Seven Steps and it's your game plan for growth.

We have Core Four to get you started. These are four classes you take to get a solid Christian foundation and to learn about God's plan for YOUR life. Then, there are three bonus classes to help grow your roots deeper and deeper. It is an intentional process to help you reach your spiritual goals in 2022.

God won't force you, I can’t force you, hold you down, and make you grow. It has to be a goal of your life to grow to all Christ wants you to be. But we CAN provide the tools and classes to help you keep your resolution to be more rooted in 2022 than you've ever been in the past.


9 thoughts on “Statement Of Faith”

  1. Peggy Reyman said:

    How do I sign up for “today matters” on my phone?

  2. My Spiritual Goals:

    1. Read the whole Bible in 2022
    2. Start ‘reaching out’ more (I tend to be introverted and retreat inward)
    3. Support & volunteer with youth education endeavors to combat the indoctrination and sexualization of our kids
    4. Remain active on the political front to effect change and combat progressive ideology

  3. Mike and Gabriela said:

    We appreciate you. We appreciate your strength, laser focus and courageous tenacity. You are our definition of what great looks like.

    We support you.

  4. Wonderful post as usual! Do you think, in the future, there may be an opportunity for online steps classes?

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