Jeremy McGarity
February 16, 2021

Next Step

One of my goals as a pastor is to help you take your NEXT step of faith. Everyone’s got a "next step." Whether you're new or have been in the faith for a long time, we believe it's important to never feel like we have "arrived." We don't want to coast in our relationship with the Lord. Whenever we're coasting, we're always going downhill. What's your next step of faith? Everyone's next step is different and we want to help you with yours, whatever that may be.

Remember, it's never about perfection, we say it all the time at our church, no perfect people allowed. Even when we take two steps forward and one step back, that’s okay! We’re looking for progress. In a world that is full of discouragement and condemnation, you need a place where you don't have to pretend you have it all together. We want to encourage days a week.

Remember this, YOU matter! Your story matters to God and it matters to us!
Recently, in order to spread the message so many people need today, I started sharing the encouragement you hear at Skyline each week on K-Praise radio.

I actually remember a time, about 25 years ago, when I was traveling with the St.Louis Cardinals baseball team. It was a lonely time in my life. I remember using this radio at my bedside, and of all the voices that came through the speaker, thousands of miles from my home, was my hometown pastor! David Jeremiah was the very first pastor I had in my life and hearing his voice while out of town and on the road, really helped me get the encouragement I needed at that time. I never forgot how powerful that moment was for me. And now here we are, years later and I’m honored to be able to do the same to K-Praise listeners who are looking for an encouraging message that they can apply to their lives. I can only hope it encourages others as much as those messages by Dr. Jeremiah encouraged me.

Sharing God’s Word weeknights over the radio is just one more way we can help people stay in the Word of God. We also have a short daily devotional called Today Matters that you can tune into on our Skyline Church YouTube Channel or download the Skyline Church App and get it there. Today Matters also airs throughout the day on K-Praise.

When it comes to next steps, it's easy to say, "Hey you need to take your next step." The hard part for so many people is knowing what that next step is for them. Because of that,  I’ve created a next steps program for our church members called Seven Steps. These are classes that take you step by step through topics like Christian Habits, Spiritual Gifts, Oikos, Doctrine, and more. If there's any way we can give people the resources they need to dig deeper into their faith with confidence, we want to make it happen.

For a lot of people, the Bible can be very intimidating. But we want to break it down into bite-size, digestible chunks to give you the resources you need to grow in your faith. We’re a bunch of imperfect people trying to figure out how to walk a life of faith together. This is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, not a religion. It's something we want to do, not have to do.

Our purpose at Skyline Church is to help people find and follow Jesus seven days a week. So often, we see people make faith a part of their lives one day a week ... Sunday, and that's a good start. The problem is this type of faith becomes compartmentalized. What I mean by that is, we walk the talk on Sunday, but don't apply what we learned on Monday (or the rest of the week for that matter). We don’t want you to become stagnate in your faith. Because the reality is, we’re either growing, or we’re coasting. We want to help your faith grow into an everyday kind of faith. I'm always looking for practical ways we can apply the Bible to our everyday life. After all, isn't that the point? To live a changed life because of the grace of Jesus Christ. Because of His grace, we are changed and able to grow step by step!


2 thoughts on “Next Step”

  1. Joshua Cramlett said:


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