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Process: a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is attained.
It's all about the process. Why? Because the right process will produce the right results, your process will determine your success. It's not all about the event. To be sure, the process leads to an event. The success of that event will be determined by the commitment to the process of becoming a successful event. Too many people have destination disease. It's the problem of when and then thinking.
When I make this much money,
then I'll....
when I lose this much weight,
then I'll...
when I become the boss,
then I'll.... destination disease leaves us stuck in neutral and making no progress at all.
The right process allows a step by step approach to reaching our goals and dreams. Questions to ask: 1) Is it the right process? 2) Does it, will it, can it produce the intended result? The reality is your current systems and processes are producing EXACTLY what they are set up to produce. If you are coming up short in your goals or expectations it is because your process is set up to achieve exactly that result. Change your process, change your result. Or, if it is the right process, but the commitment has been lacking, change your commitment to the process.
Most people are committed enough (to whatever their end goal may be) to hope for the right, intended, or desired result. But, as we know, "hope don't pay the bills." Hard work does. The hard work, the grind, the tilling of the hard soil is the process. Committing to the right process allows the desired result to be possible and even inevitable.
The first thing that must be determined is what "end" do you want? What are you aiming at, what do you want the end result to be? No one can or at least no one should determine that for you. You are uniquely created by God and your unique design is purposeful (Psalm 139). It is up to you to determine what you want your end result to be.
For example, let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. There is an entire process to losing 20 pounds. You would have to commit to the process of changing your diet and adding regular exercise in order to attain your end result. On the surface, it sounds relatively simple and agreeable to make better choices in those two areas. However, that is NOT the process for reaching your desired and intended result. The process would consist of several things including but not limited to,
a) Scheduling your workouts on the calendar. The time, place, and the particular workout you are planning to do. If you don't write it in the calendar, several things can easily take priority and you will not get your workout in.
b) Waking up earlier to be able to get your workout in. Or, getting off work and getting your run or workout in (studies show it is more difficult later in the day, not impossible, just more difficult). Either way, your commitment to the process will make the difference.
c) Scheduling what foods you're going to eat that will help you achieve your end result.
d) Taking the time to buy the right foods and prepare them before the day or as many nutritionist suggest, mapping out your meals for the entire week.
e) Keeping the goal of a 20 pound lighter you in front of you...every day. Because motivation is paramount to staying committed to the process. As Zig Ziglar once said, "
Motivation is like showering, you need it daily because it wears off."
You can apply this to anything in life. Do you want to be a better spouse, co-worker, disciple, athlete, student? Whatever it is, commit to the process of becoming better in those areas and you will get there.
There are no shortcuts to the goal. Even if the progress is slow, it is progress and is better than the alternative of standing still. Because you're never really stagnant, everyday, you are either moving toward your goal or farther away from it. You are moving toward the person you want to be or farther from it. You are either on the path or you are off of it. Choose to commit and take a small step today by beginning the process.
In summary:
- Know what you're aiming at, take the time to know what your target is... as the great theologian 😊 Yogi Berra once said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else."
- Develop and/or learn and understand the process to get you there. Def: a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is attained. Develop your steps that are reachable, no matter how small, but are moving you toward your goal and the end result will be attained.
- Commit to the process... through the challenges, discouragements, ups and downs. Your commitment to the process will make all the difference.
It will take patience, there will be times you want to give up, but your commitment to the process will get you to your goal. Â It takes 50 years for an Oak Tree to mature and develop root systems that can withstand a hurricane. It only takes a mushroom 24 hours to grow to its full capacity but then it's gone in a day or two. Â What do you want to be, an Oak or a Mushroom?
"Not that I have already... already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 3:12-14
The Apostle Paul could be considered the greatest Christian to have ever lived, as the main writer of the New Testament, he has impacted countless lives, and yet, even Paul had not yet arrived, but he was
committed to the process.
Be encouraged, you've got a lot of people rooting for you.
Your friend,
Thanks Pastor Jeremy! I sit every morning when I get up with my coffee and talk With our Lord . I thank Him for all and I pray and start my devotions. I never had an encounter with God giving me an answer but I know last week when I was out here with Him , out of the blue this warm feeling came over me and told me Cale will be okay.. i never felt anything like that ever so I know it was God… i was a bit stunned as I always wanted the Lord to talk to me.. I pray continually for all and for this world to be transformed into His Kingdom .. that day helped me alot of my anxiety etc. thank you Pastor Jeremy for continually praying for Cale and for the Holy Spirit to continue work in him