Jeremy McGarity
February 22, 2010

Silence, "The Language of God"

"Silence is the language of God"- Thomas Keating

I'm learning about the importance of silence and solitude. I've taught on it for years and I've practiced it periodically. I want to flip that sequence.

God will not compete with our noise. He will not shout above the constant barrage of electronic stimulants and information overload. He does not push His way in to get our attention. He waits. Think about that. God waits for you and me.

He waits until we're quiet enough in mind, heart, and soul, and then He speaks. 1 Kings 19 always reminds me of this....God speaks in a whisper.

He waits until we've prioritized Him. He waits until we've cleared our cluttered schedule to carve out space for Him (that sounds so ridiculous when I realize HE IS THE ONE WHO GIVES US TIME IN THE FIRST PLACE). Still, He waits.

So often, in my hurry, it's as if God is speaking another language. I can't translate the dialect He's speaking.

It takes pure discipline as I've focused my time in silence before Him. Every thought must be held captive and pushed aside so I can have a clear mind, no distractions. My mind goes so many places for several minutes until finally it gets quiet. It's in the next several moments that I meet with my Lord. These are good times. These are soul healing times. These are times of refreshing.  It's in these moments of silence that I can translate the language of God

In these moments I am reminded that I am not God, He is. I am not in charge, He is. All my hurry and all my worry is just me taking charge, it's just me taking control. I need silence as a constant reminder that God is God and I'm not.

So, I'm learning. I don't want to burn out, soften up, or lose to the enemy. So, I'll do the waiting. I'll listen to Psalm 37 and wait on the Lord, it's the least I can do, He's waited on me for so long.
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1 thought on “Silence, "The Language of God"”

  1. Anonymous said:

    Hello. And Bye.

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