Gone Fishing
The McGarity Boys went fishing. My brother and his boys and my boys had an overnight fishing trip on Nov. 16-17. A tradition has begun. I think the last time I went fishing was with my dad when I was in High School. I don't want these precious moments when my boys are young to slip by too quickly without instilling some outdoor skills in them. I want to start some outdoor traditions with them. My brother feels the same about his boys so we're planning camping and desert trips in the future. Our goal is to spend quality time with them and teach them along the way about becoming men.
All four of the boys really thrived in the outdoor/adventure environment. These days it's so easy for kids to just sit around, play video games, watch cartoons or get baby sat by the DVD that we've made a conscious choice to intentionally invest in the development of our young boys into becoming young men. That means doing things boys do, enjoying the outdoors, teaching them how to fish, how to camp, hike, work to make a campsite livable, contribute to the group by helping, etc. And, along the way we pause and talk about character development, loving the Lord who created these outdoors and all the while having a blast as our boys grow into young men.
On this trip we caught three catfish. A two pounder, three pounder, and Aidan won the trophy for the biggest fish, a six pounder! It was a great day.
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