Jeremy McGarity
March 16, 2008

Finding Our Groove

Just finished up at Seven SD. Palm Sunday went awesome and we dedicated three little ones to the Lord, a very exciting morning. It feels like we're really hitting our stride and finding our groove. I'm very excited about next week and our Easter service. We are blanketing the community with 20,000 mailers that look like this and we are on the radio here in SD at 103.7 FM Sophie Radio. We will be hanging 1,000 door hangers and letting people know we are doing a Community Easter Egg Hunt/Block Party/Sports Day on Saturday March 22. We understand some people would find that word on our mailer offensive. We recognize that. We also recognize our target and we are clear on who we are trying to reach. Our goal is not to offend people but realize we will in the process of reaching those God wants us to reach...namely, those far from the Lord who use that word in everyday vernacular and is not considered odd or offensive to use such a word but rather is considered part of today's non-offensive language. We've already had lots of discussion with people here in SD, feel free to drop some comments here on the blog.

Props to the team here as everyone had things set and ready by 8:30am this morning, wow, just an hour and a half and the entire Nursery, Pre-K, K-6, Hospitality(Starbuck's lattes, etc.), Audio, Video, Resource tables, Signs on street corners and in parking lots, etc. all done and we all hung out had cappucinos, donuts and fruit and waited for our guests. What at team! We know as we grow we will need more and more team members. Sign up and join the team!

2 thoughts on “Finding Our Groove”

  1. Hey jerlast night while driving home from church, the girls outta nowhere said they wanted to get baptized. chris and i explained that they weren’t quite old enough to take that step, because they have to acknowledge and commit to following Jesus and living a life for Him. They both excitedly said, “WE DO!” so then chris and i looked at each other and told them, “okay, we’ll look into it and talk to mr. jeremy to see what his thoughts are” i know chris has mentioned to you that he wants to have you baptize him, so he was thinking that perhaps we can have you do all 3 of them. what ARE your thoughts on 6 year olds getting baptized?

  2. First of all, that is very exciting! As long as they can articulate that Jesus is their Savior. By that I mean they need to, on their own, be able to explain that Jesus died for them and all their sins are forgiven by believing in HIm as their One and only Savior. And then, that they understand baptism. That they are following the Lord in obedience and that baptism is symbolic of our old life without Christ being buried and our being raised to new life with Christ.Let me know if that makes sense. It would be awesome to baptize all of them at the same time WOW!!!! Let’s do it!!!!

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